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TVET Council Barbados

Microsoft Digital Literacy Programme

Microsoft Digital Literacy Programme

The Microsoft Digital Literacy Programme provides new learners with instructional resources to gain knowledge and skills that will allow them to use Microsft Office 365 and Edge effectively. It provides six learning paths within the digital literacy course, full of ideas to prepare and engage effective learning experiences for the student.

  1. Work with Computers  - This learning path will introduce you to the different parts and types of the computer and their functions. You will also learn the difference between operating systems and applications and their functions. Peripherals and portable storage devices will be discussed as well.
  2. Access Information Online - In this learning path, you will become familiar with the concept of the internet and how to access it. You will also be introduced to the World Wide Web and how to access it using a web browser. In addition to that, search engines will be covered, including how to use them effectively and how to evaluate the results.
  3. Communicate Online - This learning path will show you how to communicate online effectively using email. You will be introduced to web applications that are used for instant messaging including voice and video calls.
  4. Participate Safely and Responsibly Online - In this learning path, you will be introduced to the safety risks you can face while using the internet. You will learn about online scams and how to avoid them. You will also learn about best practices for sharing information online. In addition, you will be introduced to cyberbullying.
  5. Create Digital Content - In this learning path, you will be introduced to Microsoft Office. You will learn how to perform the basic functions in Microsoft Word. You will learn how to interact with text, pictures, lists and other types of objects. You will also deal with PDF files.
  6. Collaborate and Manage Content Digitally - In this learning path, you will be introduced to cloud services like OneDrive and how to apply their basic functions. You will also learn how to collaborate with others on Word documents. In addition, you will learn how to use Microsoft Outlook to manage your tasks, time and contacts.
Students will learn to:
  • Interact with a computer
  • Use a computer
  • Work with applications
  • Work with connected devices
  • Connect, browse and search the web
  • Communicate using email and chat online
  • Safety and civility online
  • Use MS Office to create, format, edit, and other features
  • Use OneDrive to store, share and collobrate

Delivery Method: Face-to-Face

Requirements: A Laptop

Microsoft Digital Literacy license information:

Microsoft Digital Literacy courses are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial Share-Alike License which means you may share and adapt this material for non-commercial use as long as you attribute it to Microsoft and license your adapted material under these same licensing terms.

For further details, visit:

Registration DeadlineJune 12, 2023
Start DateJune 15, 2023 - Thursdays 11 - 1 pm
LocationTVET Council Barbados
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