Also contributing to the TVET Council’s efforts in the IT related realm is Mr. Donovan Smith.
Mr. Smith, who assisted in the development of the National Vocational Qualification (NVQ) in Cyber Security Level 3, believes that with the development of this qualification, persons should feel comfortable venturing into the Cyber Security world.
“Cyber Security is a very satisfying career but could also be unsatisfying if you don’t put in the work; you get out what you put in.” He continued: “I’m hoping that the TVET Council continues to push the programme and advertise it so they would get good rewards in terms of return on investment with people gaining new knowledge in the area of Cyber Security.”
Along with the TVETC’s mission to develop a competent, certified and competitive workforce in Barbados and the region, Mr. Smith saw his collaboration with the organisation as one which allowed for local talent to contribute to the creation of a beneficial program: “After the long hours of working with the Council…I’m hoping that you have a lot of interested persons from corporate Barbados, whether public or private venturing into Cyber Security.”
Smith concluded: “Educating and always improving the quality of Barbados’ educational system is what should be at the forefront of an educational organization. So, to the TVETC, keep doing what you’re doing and looking to garner and harness the knowledge of those within the Caribbean.”